Thursday, November 15, 2007


Condesa DF matches
Originally uploaded by jm3
so I'm closing out my contract with ?! by taking on a project in Mexico City. And of course this being ?! the travel was completely balls'd up from the off. Business flight on Delta is booked back to New York. Too late for a Detroit connection. So they book coach on air mexico,,, then an impossible connection in Atlanta and a switch to American, No blame is taken.

As I leave I'm handed a travel sheet that has the wrong flight details, the wrong hotel details, the wrong terminal information and the wrong time for the car service. And some chocolate - with a note that says "I hope that this make your journey sweeter"

A nice touch but what would really make my journey sweeter would be the knowledge that I could trust people on flights and a nice big seat on a 1st world airline that gets me home in time to have a weekend with my wife... rather than a 'get up at four to check in for shitbag air and worry about delays the whole way to Atlanta flight"

Proof, if proof were needed that amateurs, no matter how nice or talented really shouldn't be handling jobs better done by pros.

That said hotel booked by client for us is nice and the matchbooks are cool

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I returned home to find my half-brained flat mate had broken the grill, soaked the flat and ignored all my domestic instructions. They had however filled my room with balloons to amuse me. I too would have preferred a little less garnish and the meat properly cooked, so to speak. Exasperating isn't it...