Monday, October 15, 2007


Bullfighter 2
Originally uploaded by miscellaniaphile
Well today went about as well as could be expected. The movers made grumbling progress towards a signed contract, I managed to find cover for LA, the client promised to sign, the MRI people are scanning diaries, the life changing decision thing moved forward a step and I played rather a nice bingo on an internet scrabble site.

Of course nothing is tied down but I feel as though I'm starting to crawl out from under the weight of organization that I've been under for the last 18 months or so. It's going to be so nice not to get up with a list of people to chase that day.

coming up - a trip to the bahamas for a wedding - with stops in Florida both ways. A trip to Vegas - and a Xmas being quiet in Michigan as Jude tries to get a million and one papers out.

Nae bad - all this and Barking Bard Billy Bragg on Saturday

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