Friday, August 10, 2007


Blue Brolly
Originally uploaded by snowing_indoors
Today I'm wetter than a nun at a stripping Pope look-a-like convention. It's pouring with rain and my summer shoes have been no match for the streaming torrents and car created curbside tsunamis. My feet are literally steaming and I see no end to the dampness in the near future.

Locked in a room talking with people about the future, how they see it and how they'll pay for it. Some people get animated, some get teary and some suddenly realize that unless they develop a taste for Kitty Chow early they're going to be in big trouble come retirement.

They can't afford health insurance post retirement, can't afford long term care and a lot have said that they'd pay a premium just to know that when they needed it they'd have some kind of visitor to the hospital. We may be young and single and partial to a martini now but the spectre of a lonely death that proves no more than an inconvience to the person that needs to change the sheets on your deathbed is something that we really fight against (when we can bring ourselves to contemplate it)

Have another 7 hours of these interviews to go. To date it's been fun. We'll see what happens next. Mind if these wet feet turn to pneumonia I may not make the end of the day.

Stay dry all


Anonymous said...

Personally I've been resigned to my lonely, penniless death for years, can't say i'm over-bothered. What worries me is will I piss myself as much as my old neighbour used to - poor sod stank from arse-hole to breakfast time, and he couldn't leave his flat without ruining a pair of trousers. That's what i need insured against!

Steve said...

it's time for OAP Huggies Pull Ups

"I'm an old git look what I can do, I can wear grwon up pants too..."

Anne-Marie Weeden said...

Three words boys. Tena for Men.

They made an ad several years ago to try and prove that incontinence was not just for immobile old folk, but also for paunched up harley riders looking just that right sort of young fifty. Glamourising incontinence pants? Now there's a brief...

Of course, it bombed. Patronising adman shite..

Hope the biblical weather that seems to be making its way around the globe moves up and out soon...