Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A cloud

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
At last the clear blue skies, rampant humidity and ridiculous temperatures broke a little and yesterday saw the occasional cloud in the sky, a chance of rain (rather than late and violent thinderstorms) and and cooler temps (30c)

Of course the city still humms with the sickly sweet scent of rotting garbage... walking the streets is like being stuck behind the bin men as they throw their stuff into the back ofthe truck. I've no idea why there isn't a plague of flies in the city... it would make sense and give the South more proof that this is a Godless island off the coast of America that needs to suffer some wrath.

Off to the airport in a couple of hours and a client call at 8am... before which Velcro needs out (bless her) so this is short and as sweet as the pungent air we choose to share with 8m other Manhattanites.

1 comment:

H. Alan Scott said...

Brooklyn summers, I miss them! I found your blog through a "Torch Song Trilogy" search, nice blog!

I just moved to LA from Brooklyn a couple of months ago. One never forgets the smell of rotting trash. It's like a fine wine.

Keep writing!