Friday, March 02, 2007

Raining on my parade

Trying an upload directly from blogger today - mainly because the image wouldn't allow me to blog it and I lived the veins in the hands enough to steal it. My own hands are cut and bruised to tiny swollen pieces at the moment, primarily due to a fit of doggy excitement upon my picking up Velcro from the groomers. I look like a suicidal bar brawler. Which isn't a bad thing to look like in some of the Dive Bars near the office.

It's pouring with rain outside but I'm keen to get to work as I have a proposal to get out of the door today and it's going to take some time. More archery tonight, Jude now has her own bow (very exciting) and I have, well I have a METRO card that will mean it's a free ride there.

Off with me then... more nudity tomorrow (site stats up 45% yesterday despite M's protestations) - who knows if I get wildly popular I may even post my acne scarred arse, that ought to dampen demand

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