Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Originally uploaded by Mr.Bones.
and so the merry go around continues.

Today sees more celebrities checking into and out of rehab with alarming frquency (Britney three times in a week, Lindsay for Oscar parties, Gay anti-gay preachers 'cured')

It will doubtless witness Hillary racing Barrack to be the first to raise enough money to buy the next election (or failing that enough to just buy America and have doen with it) whilst growing in girth and stature Al Gore waits in the wings - Oscar polished, Nobel prize in the bag and plan to have Bono as running mate carefully considered

It will see another couple of centuries of time poured into watching bad mime on You-Tube (where on earth are the drag queens? they could rule a world of shoddy mime, camp theatrics and unconvining busoms)

It will see me heading in to work and sitting down with a bunch of very smart people only one of whom is dedicated to making the world better in any solid way (our Independant diplomat) but all of whom are trying to improve things one product, one package and one category at a time.

It will see me check the site statistics on this page at least twice and me suck in my (soon to be eviscerated) stomach at least twenty.

It will see the Girls of American Idol trying a little less hard after making it through last week. The fattest one full of hope having seen the success of Jennifer Hudson, the smallest wondering whether a deformed midget, female, Richard III look-a-like really could hog the spotlight in anything other than the circus.

And doubtless it will see somebody else drawn to my suddenly saleable mix of 'quirk', 'distain for business as usual', 'years on the job' and 'bizarro accent'... or at least I hope it will. There is after all nothing more flattering than flattery - and being chased (rather than chasing escape) is something that lifts the soul, just a little

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