Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oh well

I woke this morning full of expectation... last night I'd turned on the $5 Craigslist bread machine and I was expecting an oaty, slightly crunchy loaf this morning.

Alas I think that I may have gone heavy on the oats as what I have instead is a loaf that looks like the surface of a witch's nose, cuts with a crack like the earth itself splitting and a taste somewhere between honey and hemp. Oh well it was an experiement in middle class noddling doomed to fail from the beginning.

I do love the way that once essential working class skills are now becoming middle class hobbies or even eyebrow raised hipster entertainment. Baking, knitting, sewing (even cooking) - they're all now genteel or drunken pastimes rather than the essential tools in the housewife's armoury.

Oddly they're skills that Judith seems to miraculously possess - along with the ability to fix a puncture, speak almost any language thrown at her, paint, draw, handle statistical models that prove eye wateringly complex at second view, handle animals, hack up donkeys and of course the essential ability to program the DVR without erasing any of my crap reality shows (Top Design, Survivor, Amazing Race, Beauty and the Geek...)

I only the other hand am a whizz with shaded arrows in powerpoint

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