Friday, November 03, 2006

Sick as a dog

Resigned Molly
Originally uploaded by 66Alpine.
I have to go to London this week - for a meeting that's as pointless as a mental institute's crayons. The meeting is on Tuesday and because the finance department at work managed to lose my expense reports I'm having to do the 'there and back in a day' flight. My corporate card has been suspended and so I simply can't afford to pay for a hotel. So it's arrive Tuesday morning / leave Tuesday night.

To add insult to injury finance then cancelled the flight that I had on Virgin (flat beds, free cars and a 6.30am arrival for a 9am meeting in town) in a bid to save money. Instead they booked me AA (no beds, pay for the cars and an 8.20am arrival - too late to make the meeting as I'll be travelling by public transport)... in a bid to save about seventy quid.

Of course there's a big (and pointy) meeting coming up later the same week - and I'll not be there for that meeting. Because I can't afford a hotel (finance fuck up, no cards remember) I have to fly back Tuesday and my doctors won't let me get on another trans-atlantic flight that week.

So it's all fucked up - by people who swore that it wouldn't be - and in a bid to save less money than the average exec memeber spends in a couple of days on coffee.

I say bollocks to it all. Enough of this shit. And some other profanity laden expression of being 'over it'. Call the lawyers, call the embassy, get me the hell out of here.


Anonymous said...


When postal workers get to this point they usually go out and buy a gun.

Joking apart tho you should take a few minutes to get out and look at the sky - ask yourself if these people respect you enough, or at all.

Life has to be about more than the grind.

If you suffer and learn , that's a redemption; but if you suffer and don't learn, you only have your suffering. So say the buddhists. But you have to remember that sometimes what you are being shown isn't what you thought it was, or wanted it to be.

Pardon the undergrad philosphy, but...



Anonymous said...

AA - poor you! I'm a Virgin addict, too. Check out At least you can find the best seat.


Steve said...

I do like buddhists... they make surprisingly good jams... I'm in the process of making the change - just takes time when work visas, health insurance and lawyers are involved.

My aim is to be a happy, more evolved, more feet in the grass sort of a person by Xmas

Anonymous said...

poor, poor Molly ... :(
