Friday, November 03, 2006


Originally uploaded by zen♫.
Yesterday's post made me seem like a madman. And I was a madman yesterday. I have this desire to be treated with respect, courtesy, dignity - that kind of thing and when it doesn't happen I tend to lose my shit, descending to the level of the people who make booking travel hell because they jealously see travel as a luxury rather than a chore - and impose their own misery as a tax upon it.

Anyway yesterday's post was more disjointed than a geriatric post bungee jumping weekend and I apologize, if for nothing else then for the frantic grammar.

Today I am MUCH more chilled.

I saw Borat - which was short, fitfully hilarious and so un-American that I want to fly to Utah to watch it with a real US audience. Manhattan, as Marty sometimes reminds me, is an island off the coast of America and should be treated as such on matters of national taste and social temperature.

I made a bid for

I talked with a very cool guy about a couple of TV show ideas (he has a good track record)

I walked the dog.

And i realized that I'm only 2 weeks from it being a year to the day that I was diagnosed.

At which point the travel, the pettiness, the lack of consideration and the general intensity of the situation melted away as I counted the facts that I'm still breathing, breathing without coughing and well enough to rail against the inconsiderate as blessings.


Anonymous said...

you've always been a madman, you ... that's what you deserve for putting ugly pictures of me on your blog.

all things are relative; just because you no longer have cancer doesn't make the fact that you get lack of respect any better

love ya

Anonymous said...

we don't want to hear from people who aren't mad in some way... otherwise, why have a blog?

i think the photo fits perfectly! (wink) Thanks for using it.