Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A quick shot to the spine

high key insanity
Originally uploaded by elTwitcho.
Went to see my doctor about my 'burning skin' sensations and was rewarded with a flouroscope, a shot to the spine and a very cool picture of my inflamed vertebrae (count down seven discs and ouch marks the spot)


Had a conference call at 7am this morning - so needless to say I slept like a baby (woke up every 2 hours crying) and am now knackered. Hardly ideal as I have to go and be impressive in front of an audience of cynical Brits this afternoon.

To spite them I shall use only Amrican spelling in my presentation and pronounce the 't' in 'Water' as a flat 'd'

I shall also claim to be 'dehydrated' rather than 'thirsty' - that should be the clincher.

Here's hoping that I don't fall asleep before they do

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