Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Thank you

On my way home from my last chemo session I resolved to write ‘Thank You’ letters to all of the people who individually offered up the hands of help which formed the sea upon which I’ve surfed through this whole treatment.

And each of you will get a letter.

Chemo proved surprisingly easy for me. I know that there’s a ‘brave face’ theory that people want to apply to patients who don’t seem outwardly affected by the seriousness of what’s happening to them. And that there’s a ‘denial’ theory applied to those who don’t seem inwardly troubled. I can genuinely say that neither applies to me. And for very simple reason.

“I’ve never felt as though I was sinking because I always had your support.”

And that goes for all of the people who have slogged their way through increasingly banal blog entries. Seeing your hits on the site and your flags on the map (way to go Sweden) has meant a lot. It’s meant that people care. Not just about me, but about my wife and how she’s doing. Logging in each day I saw her support system more alive than I may have felt and I was buoyed by that thought.

There are of course still mysteries - who is checking in from North Carolina?

And there is work to be done – tests, radiotherapy, getting back in shape, deciding on what, where, when and with whom our lives go from here/

But we’re on our way and we have you to thank for that.

So thank you.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Thanks mate

Was hoping for the Hanks look myself (foiled by the steroids)

Berkoff used to live on our street in London - as did Francis de La Tour, Ian McKellen and (alledgedly) one of the Bros twins.

Never been as terrified as the day I went into the newsagent and saw the luvvy showdown going on over the last pack of Marlboro lights.

Hoping that radiotherapy brings on a late Ivan Lendl run - I could use the cheekbones