Friday, May 12, 2006

Business as usual

I spent my first full week at work since January this week.

The side effects of Friday and Monday’s chemo seemed pretty mild – a washed out exhaustion coupled with legs that turn to lead suddenly and without warning. And seeing how exhaustion is par for the course for my team at work and that no part of the job involves me having to suddenly make a 60 meter dash anyway it seemed only right that I went in.

And it was weird how quickly I was back to business as usual.

Within 24 hrs I had been ignored, screamed at, talked over, personally insulted, had my professional qualifications questioned and had generally been accused of causing every ill from late starting meetings to genocide in Darfur (only Darfur is an exaggeration and even that only a slight exaggeration).

It seemed that I was symbolic of all that is wrong with advertising, with agency structure, with America and with people in general.

Dealing with the self obsessed, ignorant, arrogant and truly talented has always been one of the attractions of the business. But the US has always been strange. Respect here is attributed according to title rather than ability to help. It’s a strange place that never considers the idea that something might be ‘under thought’

So where do I go from here?

I have no question in my mind that what I want to do is help businesses make their products and services more relevant and attractive.

I have no doubt that I love advertising – more than anyone should be allowed to love what they do

The question now has to be – can I make a difference to the businesses paying me to help them within the confines of my current situation?

And should I really care this much?

Oh who knows?

Maybe it is time to become a client.. or to start something of my own over again


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