Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Rich white twat

A full day at work today for the first time since November. I feel strangely proud – even though the full day was made up of a call to a very nice man in London, a couple of hours watching some smart people play with three dozen pictures that we’d given them and a conversation with a guy about a very long lasting candy. So it was hardly ditch digging – but hey I wasn’t the last in or the first to leave. Whether this represents progress I’m not entirely sure.

It snowed today too. Properly snowed. A whopping great deluge of the stuff, with huge flakes swirling in the wind accompanied by a soundtrack of 5 million muttered “It’s April”s.

Big revelation moment? I had my shoes cleaned. And realized I was being overly nice to the guy doing the cleaning. This uncharacteristic pleasantness was triggered by the realization that I only know three real ‘hispanics’ – the guy who makes my sandwiches, the woman who cleans my toilet and the guy who shines my shoes. As a result I over compensated with bigger gestures, more energy and a $2 tip. However as I hit the street the sheer shockingness of the realization hit me and I found myself flabbergasted. Utterly flummoxed by my ‘rich white guy’ twatdom. I went all post stroke halibut about the mouth and everything.

Now I’ve never been one to look for a Rainbow Alliance tone to my friends, I’m not a collector – but the people I know in New York tend to be tall, white, skinny and successful. Had I ever thrown a dinner party here it would have been dreadfully ‘Peter’s Friends’… actually it would have just been dreadful. I have an aversion to dinner parties that can only be explained by my being utterly common. The very thought of having to maintain any conversation for a length of time terrifies me… the idea that that conversation be civilized is again numbing.

But that’s not the point. The point is that I have Hispanic people do the jobs that I don’t want to for less money than I really should be paying. Perhaps that the root cause of this cancer. Or not. Who knows?

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