Thursday, April 27, 2006

Rest Day

So I'm not going in to work today - the throat was sufficiently sore and the glands sufficiently swollen for me to think "screw it'

Of course sufficient is a moveable feast but in truth the commute and the atmosphere of dread panic is more than I can bear today - and we're seeing no work until tomorrow anyway.

My cat is acting as a poster kitten for the benefits of diet food - since we switched her she's been playful, inquisitive and noticeably less rotund. You'd think we'd plied her with 'kitty speed' given the way that she's bouncing about.

I love those diet pill TV ads here - 'not only will you lose weight, you'll gain energy" - well of course will Mrs Pudding, they're filling you with cheap speed.

Not a great deal happening in my world - wanting everything at - three great blazers in the new collection and cashmere T-Shirts. The store is just down the road, but oh the expense. The stuff is gorgeous though, I'll go and join the throngs looking longingly through the window at it at some point today.

And with that I'll disappear, breakfast does not buy itself and I need a French Stick to get me up of a morning these days.

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