So after a few days in New York and a pitch to a big client in Atlanta I'm finally back in Montreal - for the day. Tomorrow I'm heading down to a conference in Albany where Jude is talking about a paper.
New York was a lot of work, a lot of long nights in the hotel alone and two lovely nights with my friends Gareth and Amy who not only took me to comedy but also to a comedy, burlesque, mexican wrestling night that saw a woman who looked like Prince stripping, a woman getting naked inside a balloon, slutty sisters on the trapeze and best of all a TS and a midget (both glow in the dark, the midget dressed as a chicken) jumping 30 ft from a balcony onto and into the crowd. Luche Va Voom - I salute you.
Made the whole trip worth it.
Thank you guys.
Blog will now be kept up to date with German regularity.