Monday, April 13, 2009

Back to life, back to reality

So yesterday I drive up to Southfield to shoot a very pregnant woman. With my camera. Obviously. Even I haven't taken to the slaughter of innocents, heaven forfend.

She was very sweet, very Russian and very determined to get exactly what she wanted.
Alas she also had very limited room to shoot in and so everything had to be shot at 19mm, just to squeeze her in.
Fun, but long

Tomorrow I'm off to Novi to interview and shoot a guy who trains Mac Genius Bar Geniuses. Again should be fun.

And then it's off to Montreal to find us a house.

Well a cheap apartment
That takes animals
Is close to a subway (metro)
And doesn't smell (hopefully)

Lots of places matched 3/4 of that... cheap may be the issue, we shall see.