Friday, January 02, 2009

Idle hands

Have a White Picnic
Originally uploaded by Kathy~
Okay I've now officially been away from work for too long.

I'm getting antsy.
My feet are tapping
My hands are twisting

And my computer wants to scream "It doesn't matter HOW MANY times you search for something to do in this arctic enclave the answer is still - not until April buster"

Luckily I have a conference call today.
And a few things to catch up on over the weekend

Good thing as with the dog at daycare I don't even have the option to walk her through the snow in double digits minus temps,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can you say that? Look at the reviews...

And these guys look wonderful... cough cough... - What is it with theatrical photos, they never even try to make them look good...

I think it's time for you to get on to staging your own version of Macbeth... get Andy Stables over to train them in authentic Yorkshire accents...

And meanwhile hatch plans to re-launch the Naked Mile...