Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Arab is a 4 letter word

Arabian in Red
Originally uploaded by HMsa

After the hoo-haa following McCain correcting an equally elderly bigot who claimed "I don't trust Obama. I've read about him and he's an Arab." nobody seems to be questioning the implication that Arabs can't be trusted.

I mean George Bush trusts them enough to take their money when his 'businesses' run dry, enough to hold hands in public as they walk through scented gardens, enough to prop up several Arab regimes that other people may have questioned. But no - that's not enough for Joe Six Pack or Susan Soccermom.

These guys have decided that if you don't sing hymns from a dreary book of a Sunday you're an enemy of the great idea that is America. America is Xtain dammit. It's a monoculture. It's a force for good. And you're all bent on our destruction.

Racism, it seems, is fine - just so long as you get the group tha Hollywood is currently casting as villains.

It's sad. It's pathetic. It's where we are in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's awful. It's sad. It's the lowest low in American history and nobody seems too bothered.