Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Then came the rain

Spring Rain
Originally uploaded by ImageMD
After days and days of oppressive heat here suddenly all things have turned to rain. Moisture is falling from the sky faster than geriatric nonsense from the mouth of John McCain or 'senior moment' apologies from his aides.

I'm looking out at the lake that has formed on the flat roof that covers what I estimate to be my kitchen and wondering just how and where so much water will drain.

The dog is refusing to step outside, even to pee and I don't blame her - and the cats? Well they're looking to do what they always do - find food, escape, hunt down black clothing upon which they can shed. I swear people at work think that I have a thing for cat hair clothing.

Still Jude is on her way - as are some late night moments of weakness internet purchases (am I shopping myself happy or horny? I'm not sure)

Gonna try to get in a trip to NYC first - I miss the people and as Mike said "Kung Fu Panda!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! Play-date! Let me know when you're coming and I'll get the tix in!