Monday, June 30, 2008

Social networking

this is social networking?
Originally uploaded by skampy
I'm giving a quick 15 mins on Social Networking and the power of 'Word of Mouth' tomorrow and at this precise moment I have nothing to say. Or rather I'm not sure what I want to say.

The problem I have with web 2.0 is that it offers fame but not fortune. I'm expected to work my ass off just for recognition - what the very smart Irene Hofman labelled "your 15MB of fame"

What I WANT is fame and fortune... a share in the spoils, reward beyond recognition. And nobody is doing that yet.

I've talked about this before - but I'm amazed that social networks haven't become monetized yet. They're being seen as media space - places that draw people to be sold to... rather than as incubators of ideas ---> places where something can grow wings and take to the air.

Maybe that's what I'll talk about... collective creativity, the hive mind and the need for fortune.

Cool --- that was easy


Gareth Miles said...

Buy a copy of Wired this month - there is an article about a convention at some Ivy League school where loads of 'famous for 15MB' got together (think the fat Tron Man).

Might be useful

G xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Khmm. That's H-o-f-f-m-a-n.