Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I've got this thing

My Apartment, Living Room
Originally uploaded by yusheng
I've got this thing at the moment for Ultra Lounges. Those swish, minimalist yet comfortable bars where the drinks cost a fortune, the music is chilled, the air carries the scent of expensive but discrete flowers and you feel slimmer and sexier.

Vegas is full of them - though they tend to be filled with silicone breasted blondes giddy on champagne bubble and resolute in their search of a loft for the night.

But they're cool. I loved them years ago in Thailand. I loved them when we were in Oz too (though they're more a Melbourne thing) and I've been bemoaning the lack of them in A2 since we got here.

Am I a design snob? Do I now need the soft disguise afforded by gauze glow of cassis candles? Or am I just another sad slob falling for the marketing and willing to pay a premium to be wrapped in perfection and beauty?

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