Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's mermaid parade time again

23rd Annual Mermaid Parade
Originally uploaded by eggrollboy
It's Mermaid Parade time again. The 25th year it's been going but this will only be my 3rd visit. Last year was overcast, gloomy and threatened rain all day but spirits remained higher and people perkier than the average pastied breast on display.

This year is a whole bunch sunnier and I'm expecting a MUCH bigger crowd (elbows are being sharpened across much of New Jersey I'm sure)... this year also sees me heading out with Mike (who will enjoy the breasts) and K-Jizer (who will enjoy the sequins) so the whole thing should be enormous fun.

I have tickets for The Ball too - but with Velcro home alone I'm going to have to leave and be back here by about 5.30 otherwise I'm libel for prosecution (or something). I could drop her at DayCare but she's knackered from last week and could do with some 'alone time'

Of course Coney Island starts a huge redevelopment next year and I have a feeling that the sideshow freaks, the burlesque on the beach, the monster movies at midnight and general sense of fun will be pulled down with the fiarground and replaced with earnest bragging about real estate prices. I think that it's a shame. But then I visit twice a year - so what do I know?

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