Saturday, March 04, 2006

Chemo III - big bit done

Chemo went well yesterday

No vomitting! Yeah!

Pretty quick too, which was a relief as the i-pod REALLY needs updating with something a little more contemporary than 'Cyndi Lauper sings her old songs in a different key'... or whatever thealbum is called. Sometimes I just have to pinch myself to remind myself that the world already has one Nathan Lane - and that's one too many.

Drilled all about my cough - they were very doctorly.

My lungs are clear, I'm taking in more air, I haven't developed any classic lymphoma systems and I'm tolerating treatment well which means there are three possible causes for the 'Return Of The Cough'

1) Most likely. I have a cold

2) Quite Likely. It's a reaction to the chemo drugs (a cough is a common side effect)

3) Unlikely but possible. I'm not responding to the treatment, the tumor is growing again, I'm screwed

Option THREE will be discounted or proved after my PET and CAT scans (about then days from now, so results in about two weeks)

After months of optimism I'm firmly in camp three - necessitating new (unproven and dangerous) treatment (possibly given in a bubble for extra drama), an against the odds cure and juice for the narrative of the film sure to follow.

It's the classic Don Simpson 'Top Gun' structure; you need to have hopelessness in the second real so that you can have triumph in the third - that's why Goose died.

Anyway coffee done, Jude up and as I have no signn of nausea (yet)) I'm about to eat more than any man should. Pancakes, hmmm.


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