Friday, June 02, 2006

An upturn in the day?

Well my camera arrived - voyeuristic pics to follow.

And I talked to the hospital. They can do nothing until Dr Sherr is back and he's not back until Monday.

I have a final 'test' on Monday at 3pm - but no treatment.

"Not right" I wailed, I want this thing over by the end of June.

"Ah" said nice woman at the end of the phone "Leave it with me, there's nothing I can do without the Dr's approval, but let me see what I can sort out with him on Monday. It might be that we can squeeze in a treatment - though it would be a first. Or it might be that we can squeeze the number of sessions. Though that's not for me to say. Call me Monday at 9.30."

So it's another weekend of bitten nails and murmering from me. Jude might just kill me.

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