Saturday, June 09, 2007


120206 59 of 365
Originally uploaded by rinphoto
After 5 days of hardcore exercise and diet I had a wheel come off the 'will be thin' wagon yesterday - with food (lunch and dinner out) alcohol (waaaaaay too much) and general piggishness.

I will not let the 2.5lbs that this cost me act as a downer however - rather as a lesson learned and I will hit the gym this very morning.

But bugger - there's a spike on my sownward trajectory chart

Thursday, June 07, 2007

What a day

Chock full o'Nuts
Originally uploaded by eye2eye
Woke up this morning to find a project suddenly and unexpectedly running massively over-budget.

So my day

Panic. Pace. Deep breaths. Calm. Panic. Tightening chest. Deep breaths. Cope. Call. Cajole. Threaten. Explain. Apologize. Negotiate. Settle. Breathe. Call. Arrange. Deep breath. Calm. E-mail. Lunch. Done.

Back on budget. World still turning. Babies unblue. Nobody dead. Marvellous.

What a day

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A bright spot

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
After lots and lots of attempts to bill my card Air Namibia finally managed to get it through. I am ticketed and ready to go. Bank of America Cards were crap throughout and should be shot. Will spend the afternoon googling reasonably priced hitmen (I'm sure it wouldn't clear on my card)

Feeling quite heady here

Monday, June 04, 2007

Choc Ice and Chips?

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So with Jude now safely in Namibia I'm now home alone and looking for ways to stay healthy.

I have the spreadsheet ready (weight, waist, food and exercise all listed) and have started religiously filling in every calorie inhaled and burned. So alas no 'choc ice and chips' for us here in BillyBurg.

Not too bad being alone actually - though I miss the decompression. Work is ramping up to a mad week or two at the end of June and when I woke up at 5am this morning thinking about all that I had to do (work e-mail was down over the weekend) there was nobody to stop me getting out of bed to start on it all. Nor is there anybody to join me for breakfast and act as a distraction for a half hour or so. Weird what you miss, isn't it?

Anyway I'm determined to stay fit and healthy, to lose weight, regain perspective and generally have a good time in the 33 days before I land in namibia myself. Now if only I could find my watch....