Saturday, September 18, 2010

And time, goes by, so SLOWWWWWWWLY

Bollocks it does. It's racing by faster than you can say 'holy sweet donut holes' - which is something that you should say daily in my opinion. And I like to opine, which isn't an Irish Christmas Tree, it's an action. And one that I do so well.

Anyway this week has seen lots happen. Propellerfish finally got a new website up. It took forever but it's there and awaiting content. And it arrived just in time, as friends of ours announced their start-up Co: and us a part of the Co:llective and Co:alition that goes with it., They were in the New York times, so suddenly our hit rate went up, our twittering became more watched and a million service companies called and offered to sell us what they do for a living. Very cool. We also got Federal Incorporation, so very cool timing all around.

In 'other news' we think that we've landed on a name for 'the baby' that's a mix of Dutch, International, easy to spell, hard to say, good looking when written by hand, acceptable to the Quebec Baby Name police (no umlauts, no unpronounced French accentry) and really rather cool. It's staying under wraps for now, but I like it a lot. And I can only find one person who has it - and then as a nickname. Well done Jude, when the naming side of the business is short a person I know who to call.

Photographically it's all about the boys with the great hair and the crummy apartments. Fabulous by night  they light up the social scene, air kiss and know everyone. By day they lounge on mattresses that have seen a dozen like them pass through and burn out, in apartments strewn with the debris of little cash and too much time somewhere at the end of the subway line. I'm liking it. Shooting more this weekend.