Wednesday, April 23, 2008

back in the old routine

Originally uploaded by Hagen Stier
I'm writing this from Touchdown 4 - the computer used for visitors and floaters at my old company in New York.

After blood work and scans delayed by paperwork I met Jude in central park where we watched tiny kids playing baseball and a movie being shot (an old woman walked a small dog - it was thrilling!)

Then we split up. I headed to Grace for lunch with my friend Gareth whilst Jude headed uptown for lunch with our mutual friend Ali.

I have drinks with a futurologist this afternoon (weirdly she sensed I was in town and invited me) and thought that I'd fill in a little time with a visit to the office and a cup of tea.

It feels very different here to Detroit. The people are younger. And more energetic. And less afraid. The music is playing out loud. Two people just left to buy fruit for a 'cooling' sangria that's being made. And generally the vibe is one of 'we're enjoying this'

Of course the atmosphere in the office was never my issue. The work was. And I LOVE what I do now. Weirdly I've worked out that I'm an ad guy - by trying to leave advertising twice.

It's good to know that some decisions you got right


Anonymous said...

Have you invested in an hilarious sign for your cubilbe yet, saying "You don't have to me an ad-man to work here but it helps"?

Anonymous said...

Good old White Street.