Sunday, July 23, 2006

Finding beauty in the differences

Well despite my protestations my first week back at work has been a seven day one. I've arrived early, skipped meals, filled up on crap and left late only to come home and start over on e-mail. Everything I thought that I'd not do in essence. The only good news is that I'm now acutely aware of how badly this kind of behavior can impact your health. I didn't survive cancer to kill myself at work. Of course there's a piece of me that quite likes the fact that I'm no longer wrapped in cotton wool - but that piece is small next to the look of concern on Judith's face as I drag myself home from another day at the office.

The picture above is of Redcar's premiere nightclub - Leo's. Many may argue that it's not the top club in my desolate seaside 'home town' - insisting that it's part of the Redcar Triangle into which drugs pour and welfare money disappears. They may be right but Leo's has been there, crumbling on the seafront for aeons with it's mix of downmarket entertainment, lethally spiked 'snakebites' and girls dressed to spite the bitter winds blowing in off the north sea.

I may well be back in the UK within the next week or so, depending on whether a work project comes through. Just a short blast through the place but enough time I'm sure to remind me just how alien I've become to the country on my passport. I will try however to find beauty in the differences between the UK and the other places we've seen rather than seeing only signs of deterioration everywhere - from the production values of the TV shows through to age (and price) of the trains.

Actually that's not a bad mantra against which to live life - "find beauty in the differences"

Right breakfast, dog to groomers, work. Beautiful cereal, beautiful walk, beautiful... something or other

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