Sunday, July 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
Hypno-cat says "Do exactly as I say. Go to the cupboard. Take out cat food. Feed me."

He's a funny old thing is inky, forever licking at your arms and trying to get your attention (he's been on the desk for every post of this blog I think)

Me? Well I only did an hour or so at work - I'm more into provocation than proof when it comes to initial meetings and it was all getting just a little chart heavy. I think it's better to come clean, to say "we know nothing... yet - but here are some interesting places we'd like to look."

I'd rather leave the analysis until we have official data.

Anyway have to run, writing this while Jude is out with the dog and she'll be back soon as we're half watching Ms Universe (manish jaws very in vogue this year it seems)

More tomorrow, no doubt

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