Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Quite a day

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
In to the office this morning for a 7am breakfast... my role purely decorative as spaces are limited for the actual 8am meeting so I'm there to "greet and eat" and nothing more.

Tonight I have an overnight flight to London. Land Thursday, come back Friday but it's the flight that tips me over to super dooper Gold status on Virgin and earns me a free companion flight the next time I book - making our planned January trip to Africa significantly cheaper.

Anyway with all the late nights (left the office at 10pm yesterday) and early mornings (6am start this morning) I'm starting to remember what my life used to be like before my body said 'no' and threatened to close down completely.

So this is the last 'silly week' that they'll get out of me - after this I'm chilled, I'm sitting out in the sunshine with my laptop and I'm heading home early; where I shall relax without the aid of alcohol.

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