Thursday, April 20, 2006

New blogs?

I’ve been contemplating two new blogs today.

Fabulously Thin is getting close to having run its course – with chemo 6 weeks away and no real ‘needs to be shared’ news beyond that. Of course there will be a flurry of activity as I do more scans, get back results, decide on more treatment (or not) and get to hear whether on not I’ll make the age of 40. Then of course there will be the second flurry when Dakota Fanning’s people get hold of the story (don’t worry it will be much ‘juiced’) – but ultimately I reckon there’s about 2 months of this left.

My other ideas are both much more self serving than this. Actually they’re both designed to show that I’m the cleverest man in all of advertising – and both seek to do so by giving away ideas that companies would usually have to pay for. How’s that for the cleverest business model ever? Hey I said I was clever, not savvy.

Blog one will be called “Hey Genius....”

Watching big brands struggle to nail what they’re about frustrates the hell out of me. Take Coke. Everybody knows that what Coke promises is ‘Unity’. It’s what the world has in common. One of the few things that brings us all together. Always has been. The best ads have been exactly about that (‘I’d like to buy the world a coke’!). It’s also the reason that Coke sponsorships of other events that bring the world together (like the World Cup) always seem to bring out the best in Coke communication. But Coke keep missing it.

So that’s Blog one. A big brand per day. An idea per day. A couple examples of what that might practically mean per day. And a fervent hope that they find the post and do something with it… (Nike I’m going to start with you and ‘Participation’)

Second one is just mischief really. I’ll call it ‘Pitch Perfect’ and post a strategy for every advertising pitch that’s ‘live’ out there. The real reason for this one is to piss off the ‘pitch planners’ who charge a fortune to quote the fucking obvious at length and with the use of too many adverbs. My site will say the same stuff, more clearly and for free. Put that in your pipes and smoke it.

As I said – self serving – but isn’t that what blogging is about?


quokkaboy said...

Mischief is always better than grandstanding. Besides, everyone already knows how brilliant you are.

Steve said...

Mischief would be a great name for an agency too