Friday, January 16, 2009

First blog in a while

Flash test
Originally uploaded by stevenjude
It's my first blog in a while... primarily because I've not been able to feel my fingers for the last couple of days - rendering typing somewhat difficult (I thought head-spike but didn't love the look)

It's -25c here today with a wind chill taking us south of -40c.

Now I know that I have to get used to that - but when the ice on the inside of your car is an inch thick and the heater causes it to melt into 'that'll smell later" puddles you know that it's cold.

Frostbite warning is down to five minutes. The tire pressure sensors on every car are going haywire and even though I'm wrapped up as though I were a boy in a bubble about to be shipped by FedEx I feel chilled to the bone.

Brrrrrrrr and GMTFOH

1 comment:

Dr Jude said...

nice new lens, babe. not sure about the tongue in my ear though ...