Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Another day - another debate

It's debate time (again) and this is one the John McCain intends to win. It's in the Town Hall style - which means that you can take questions from the floor and address people directly. McCain's good at these. he wanted more of them. Obama said no. That's the way with these shifty black folks - they just won't take on the straight talk express.

Meanwhile Palin has been out and about, stringing together words into what resemble sentences and banging on about how she likes neither Osama, ooops I mean Obama', terrorist pals or his vicar. It's gotten that low. The black guy is a secrey Muslim who has terrorist friends who are waiting to jack off on the Whitehouse lawn.

Not that Sarah is racist. No she had a witch doctor perform an exorcism on her in her own church. And he was African and everything. (WINK)

Obama is trying to shrug off the whole "He's black. He has black friends. He's going to blow you up" thing with the occasional one liner.... "We're looking at the economy and looking to change America, John's looking to change the subject." we'll see.

A lot of people only pay attention in the last 4 weeks. So expect it to get uglier than an orgy at the Hefty Hideaway.

Politics, huh?