Saturday, July 05, 2008

The next president

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So since the beginning of June support for John McCain has been dwindling and most polls now show Obama with a lead of between 4 and 5 points. Expect the alerst to head for Orange, the churches to post more "Obama - Osama... think about it" signs and for the world "Hussein" to be brought to the fore asap.

Meanwhile expect "supporters of Obama" to question McCain's heroism. Like Wesley Clark - who rightly pointed out that being held prisoner of war no more qualifies you for being president than say 'falling down a well' - both are unfortunate and both tend to get survivors labeled 'hero' - but neither requires heroism.

Gore Vidal in a fit of spite has of course said that he'll be "Very sorry" on "the day that they shoot Obama" and that McCain's prisoner of war status "should be more in line for court martial than President" (I paraphrase badly)

On the "Issues that matter" it seems that Obama is seen as weak on "Terrorism" and "illegal immigration" - at least as far as voters see it. He's strong on healthcare and critically on The Economy and Energy / Gas Prices.

So expect McCain to run a "Giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants" ad soon.

Weirdly with McCain for staying in Iraq "For 100 years" and Obama on the "Never in 100 years should we have invaded" side the two are dead level on the issue.

More Weirdly democrat Obama shades McCAin 44% : 35% on The Economy. Perhaps reason for McCain to bring in a figure as hated as Mitt Romney to show that he has some 'big business' onside.

McCain's only real advantage (19pts) is on Terrorism. So he needs it to be an issue. And right now it's running fifth.

The issues that count

1. Energy / Gas Prices
2. The Economy
3. Iraq
4. Healthcare
5. Terrorism

If McCain can tie Terrorism to high gas prices he might be on to something.

We shall see


Anonymous said...

I find the scariest thing that terrorism is considered even to be an issue in a country that's only had... 2 attacks? ever? 3 including oklahoma?

BBC had a funny feature on a small Virginia town where the police chief was still saying he could never trust anyone after 9/11. How do they think the rest of us in the world cope? It's only an issue in Britain cos we're wasting so much money on a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

Romney adds a net nothing to the ticket; his negatives at least approximate the positives.

McCain NEEDS Alaska Gov Sarah Palin (if he wants to win in November) — whose positives are too numerous to mention here (with no negatives).

– and don’t cite Palin’s lack of experience, since she’s got 10 times that of Obama!!!