Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Avatar central

Snow white
Originally uploaded by Suzanna
I found out yesterday that I have a couple of dozen identities. And that that's pretty normal. The internet it seems sees you dividing your time between "Real Self" on things like blogs and "Fragmented Self" - where you show only a fraction of your personality and build an identity around it.

For example readers here know about my health, my job, where I live, what I did yesterday and so on.

Readers of epinions where I'm known as "wholly_cow" know me as a snarky, sarcastic, premium brand lover with a taste for high design. That's very different to the people over at Rotten Tomatoes who know me as an enthusiastic lover of all things mainstream - and the people at flickr who have me down as a photographer of the scantily clad (by and large)

I'm working on a model that has four axis.

"More vs Fewer people"
"More vs Fewer ways to connect"
"Whole me vs Fragmented Me"
"Emotionally light vs Emotionally Deep"

And then on what to offer in each quadrent (octant?)

Contact, fame, fortune, real life contact, the chance to play with identity, open source development, amalgamation and connection and finally syndication.

Sounds complex here - it's not. I'll draw it and then post it.

And tomorrow I'll talk about Wall.E or something

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, the very day you wrote this I was helping someone with their thesis on Real Self versus Fragmented Self (within the framework of 'Does God help with in a Rwandan massacre survivor).