Friday, July 04, 2008

July 4th

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
Last July 4th I was getting ready to join Jude in NAmibia
The July 4th before I was recovering from chemo in Anguilla

This July 4th I'm running Jude to the airport so that she can get to Amsterdam in time for a conference.

All very 'jet set' I guess. Well from the outside. I'm always interested in how people's lives look from the outside. Yesterday we were at a BBQ and the people there had a great house, great kids, a really great hot tub and conversation to spare. And I wondered "Is this what perfection looks like?"

Which is an odd question. I guess.

Jude would say that perfection is close to her new Danish Architect inspired glasses. They are tres cool and a reminder that I need something new too.

Anyway Two questions for you - whose life do you look at and think "Sorted"? And why?


Anonymous said...

Ah. Sorted. Those friends of mine whose "satisfied" bulb has illuminated. I don't have many of these, but it's obvious when it's on. I don't think we're there yet. Get the feeling you're not there either. And for that reason, you should join us as an expat. Expats are rarely content, but they're all too concerned about pretending to be. Funny bunch. Nice glasses on Jude by the way. As if to say "I'm THAT kind of doctor". I like it.

Ana said...

I'm a graduate of the Woody Allen school of Philosophy. I'm always looking at myself and thinking: "My life would be amazing if it belonged to somebody else." Whose life is really sorted? I'll get back to you.

Steve said...

Hey Mr M.... we ARE expats...

(point taken though)

Anonymous said...

Those who have given up on ambition are the only ones who feel really sorted.
It certainly can't be measured by possessions, nor even I suspect affiliations - these things just distract us from what we feel is wrong. I know a chap in his 40s, with no car, no technology bar a laptop and a small TV, and leaves and conkers as his only household decoration. He rents his tiny little flat which he's very happy with even though it's cold and spartan and says he'll never buy. Nor will he ever be rich or famous or remembered at all, but he only needs to work an hour or two a week to pay his way, and is content to spend the rest of the time on coffee and the Guardian crossword. He had lots of women half his age to sleep with, but gave them up for just one his own age that he sees now and then. And he's as sorted as anyone I know, as he left ambition behind.

Personally I'm ambitious for the world itself, so it wouldn't matter what I had; I just read the Tony Benn diaries and the acccumulation of anger and depression it aroused, no amount of domestic bliss would ever expunge.

Miss Chris said...

I do wonder the same: do people know what their lives look like from the outside and is that different from how they see it themselves? Ana is probably right.

And yes, you are certainly expats roughing it in the old savage colonies. You may appear to be at a sorted moment in your life from my pov but I assume there are lots of things cooking as always so I am sure you guys will mess it all up again (in a good way)!

Anonymous said...

That's RIGHT! You ARE expats. If you really want a kid that bad we are in Cambodia after all... can always pick one up. Boy or girl? Country or city. Your choice. They're plenty of 'em.