Monday, June 09, 2008

Back in a new routine

So this morning I finally managed to hit the gym hard again. Having decided that you can't wish it into being I hauled my fat ass out of bed and headed down to Sparrow for a little personal training. And I was very pleasantly surprised. The atmosphere is good, people talk. The Personal Trainer sets you circuits and then lets you go and the $200 a month fee covers 3 sessions a week as well as unlimited access to the gym itself. It's small, intimate, good natured and best of all it's owned by a butcher named Sparrow (!)

Better still was the fact that my basic levels of fitness aren't bad at all. I've been promised that the NUP is certainly realistic and that knocking me back into shape isn't going to take very long. Three sessions a week, 2 pilates sessions a week, a little swimming at the Y and a 'free' workout and I'm toned by Xmas.

So not the disaster that I thought I was going to be. Here's to saying hello to my abs again.

1 comment:

Ana said...

Thanks for your comment, Steve. Sounds interesting. You can email me direct on
I did a session "painting music and poetry." v. interesting.