Friday, March 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by errantentity.
I got home last night to find that our computer had blown its hard-drive. Nothing but blue screen and a mac booting up symbol. It's not the first time that the computer had played up (cat hair and spilled tea helping foul things up the first time) so although the repair would have been around $200 we decided to swallow hard and buy a new one.

And so I'm writing this from a new 20" G4. Hurrah. Heavy as hell to get up the stairs but decent screen size, decent speed and of course a lovely new keyboard unsullied by jam, toast, cats, hair or 'unspecified smears'

Looks like being an expensive week as it seems that the water tank in London is leaking through the kitchen ceiling again. We'll get a plumber in to take a look asap - just need to make sure that he's DirectLine approved for insurance purposes.

OKay enough of this - work to be done, dogs to be walked, rain to be braved (20C yesterday - 0C today btw, wtf?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you perhaps give a little of your time to some new ads to replace the current "I'm a mac and I'm a PC" ones. I think the brit ones are even worse, layering british characters over obviously american styles. But if i ever see them again i may kill.

Perhaps something like, "I'm a PC, I'm far easier to use, but I get more depressingly mac like with each new windows release, and they still haven't sorted out the prolonged usage slow-down problem"

"I'm a mac, my interface is woefully clumsy, unhelpful and out of date, but I still crash less and multi-task a lot better"

Then a Linux based machine turns up looking smug and slags them both off...

Or maybe they just admit they're both equally shit and annoying and if you bought a car that went wrong as often you'd demand your money back...

I'm relying on you Steveo...