Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A few days in Switzerland

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
So Switzerland took me away from the computer for a day or two but managed to fill me up with some fresh stories, some new enthusiasm and a bunch of pictures of 'peasant folk direct from central casting.'

The trip went well - we were ferried around by an international bright young thing in too tight trousers. Taken for dinner in the up and coming warehouse district. Managed to stay in a hotel that seemed to be held together solely by the yellow residue of a million cigarettes smoked there. And of coiurse we did sme work - which led to some ideas that I can genuinely be excited about.

Swiss Air are exactly what you'd imagine them to be. Well organized, ever so slightly stiff and frugal in the places that they think you won't notice. On the way back a round faced steward attempted conviviality - with a walk around the cabin saying 'hello' and telling unamusing stories about Geneva. His conspicuous glances at the passenger seating chart before talking gave away the fact that this enthusiastic greeting was a chore - as did is totally ignoring me due to the fact that I moved seats, throwing his plan into disarray and making me invisible to him - at least socially.

It's late though, I'm tired and it's getting harder and harder to actually type with any degree of accuracy or fluency so instead I'll sign off for now pausing only to say that this picture is untouched... unlike the nude that I will post tomorrow (!)

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