Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Office Party Day

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
It's the office party today. Thankfully the temperature is dropping, so the chance of Mavis from finance turning up half clad and half cut is reduced dramatically.

I've never been one for office parties. I did one in London and saw a guy killed en route to it. Vowed never again - until Asia when the parties were on Indonesian Isles or were 3 day jaunts to fabulous cities (such as Bangkok)

For some strange reason I"ve been to quite a few of the US office parties. The have a penchant for the outdoors, for free drinks that run out soon after people arrive and for letting people from 'the basement department' 'DJ'

This year all of the people that I loved / enjoyed partying with in the NY office have disappeared... either to exciting new places and challenges or to places that offer them money by the boatload (and their chicks for free)

Still I should show up, prove that I'm alive and then jump on the bus home to the busom of my family - hopefully before the busom of Mave the Rave from finance becomes scorched indelibly on my retina.

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