Monday, February 23, 2009

Feverish Scribbling

I'm finally sitting down to write my book.

Well actually it's taking shape in a weird way.

It's a book on Advertising Shapes - the 20 shapes that can get people to look at a problem again and with a fresh set of eyes

It could be why it's wrong to look for insight, or new places to look

It could be looking again at how conversations work or deciding that it's time for a little less conversation, a little more action.

So I started by writing the titles of the 20 slides - in powerpoint
I then went back and changed each one - making them a tad more interesting

Once I'd done that - and still in powerpoint - I wrote the single paragraph synopsis of the idea.

I then printed that out and hand drew the diagram that explained the synopsis.

After which I added some pictures and presented to a bunch of people.
Tape recorded that as it was full of annecdotes and examples that I'd forgotten I had.

Added those to the powerpoint

E-mailed the audience for other examples that helped prove my points.
Added those.

Am about to post the whole thing to a planning board - to get more feedback.
After which I'll take it all to Word.

An odd way of working - but it is working and I should have a draft within a month.