Friday, February 27, 2009

Another day, another life experience

I lost my job today. Well when I say I lost it, rather it was eliminated. I wasn't expecting it - which given the economy and the fact that the people I'm working for are cutting huge swathes of employees was pretty stupid. And so walking into a room that had the head of department and a strange woman wasn't ominous at all. You see I was looking to negotiate by disappearance from the company.

We're moving in June to Montreal; I was hoping to work through to May and then take a bit of a break before starting to look for something interesting to do up there. I'd been open with everyone about this and that had been my "downfall"... the company was looking to lose people, I was leaving anyway why not bring the two dates together.

I'm glad actually that I was honest. Because it means that someone who needs the job for their family gets to stay in it - and that I have a month with no income to worry about. That's not really a big deal in the scheme of things - we've made enough, saved enough and have put ourselves into a position where that kind of thing isn't really a worry.

Plus I'm meeting with people in a different office of this company next week to talk about an arrangement that is close to my dream job. That was always planned. Things have been moving along and Thursday / Friday may see us seal the deal on that. So it may well be that I end up doing exactly what I've always wanted to do, with the people that I like most in the company, owning a slice of my own life again and working from wherever in the world that I want to work. Just wish that I'd had that meeting today rather than next week, timing is off but hey, better position than most people, huh?