Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The days just fly by

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
I'm really busy at work at the moment - and enjoying it so much that I often check my watch and find that it's way past the time that the canteen has closed and that I've missed lunch. While this might not be the healthiest way to diet it's certainly effective - and over the past week I've lost 3lbs.

My weight, I've decided independant of any real evidence, is corrolated to just how interested I am in the world around me. The more engaged I get - the thinner I get. Ruts show on my waistline.

Of course the last time I was really enjoying myself was on a pitch - and that was when I was told that I was full of tumors that may kill me. But the tumors were, I insist, a physical manifestation of the resentment I felt at being 'trapped' in a job. I get weird like that sometimes - I blame Sydney. It was a very Crystals and Tantric Chants kind of place.

Feeling the need to visit Sydney right now. Have an old friend opening a wine bar in The Rocks that looks fabulous and I'd like to be there to see the opening ---> as well as to have the opportunity to see Chris and Ray's little slice of heaven taking shape.

Only problem is time. With Cyprus in a couple of weeks, friends in in august, my parents coming over, Uganda in December and a possible trip out to Asia to meet up with some people who are moving in that direction.

Everyone it seems is doing interesting stuff. Jude is saving the world, we have friends travelling the world, friends moving to and living in Africa, friends moving to Asia to do innovation, friends taking time out to learn about fashion before heading to Brazil, friends opening bars in australia, friends setting up sculpture parks, friends in bands and friends with books on the shelf and movie deals in the works.

What I need to do next is get interesting again

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