Saturday, February 03, 2007

Burning man

they look so happy
Originally uploaded by fling93.
I'm thinking of going to BurningMan this year... part Edward Woodward (a man whose name Noel Cowerd said sounded like 'a fart in a bath') Wicker Man horror, part Mad Max desert apocolypse, part hippy festival, part excuse for people to get naked in the desert. The photo ops are amazing and the art is all huge in scale and impact.

That said this is taken from 2005's "Barbie Death Camp & Wine Bistro) a much smaller scale installation than most, but one that's still impactful.

Tickets are a non-hippy friendly $250 and I'd need to get to Nevada but a friend has a Winnibago and a spare ticket and I might just offer to drive across from San Fransisco for the whole thing.

Things to think about

1 comment:

Andrew MishMash said...


I know what Burning Man is - which drops it down the cool list.

I have sold the remaindered copies ofthe photographic book too - and thats a really bad sign.

How about Up Helly A? The weathers not so good, but you can get closer to the fire, and it IS a real virgin they burn.


Drew Mishmash