Saturday, December 09, 2006

It was Cold yesterday...

Originally uploaded by scoTToneEleven.
....really cold - the thermometer said -6C but with all of the chill factors it felt like -18c here - quite a change from the 21C weather of last week and yet more proof that as Bob Dylan and Al Gore seem to agree 'a change is gonna come'

Still Jude and I braved the weather in order to go and see sticky romantic confection 'The Holiday'. The cinema was packed with single New York women speaking in ever higher pitch and with greater and greater volume. Why is it that young American women mistake volume for wit? As their stories grew to deafening in terms of decibels my interest in them (and my will to live) fell to new lows. And it was every story, the noise suggested that the audience was collectively being sucked through a jet engine - having inhaled two lungs full of helium. The trailers were drowned out, the ads went unnoticed and it wasn't until the lights went down that things subsided. But only just.

There were sighs of recognition at Kate Winslett's unrequited affection. Knicker moistening at Jude Law's every move (he IS very good in this), self recognition in Cameron Diaz's every American on foreign soil fumble and a softening toward Jack Black (if not inderplaying then not wildly mugging here)

Yes it was corny. Yes it was predictable. Yes it was manipulative. But we all let happy. Turn off your cynicism and go see.

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