Sunday, September 10, 2006

Last night... he said

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
So went for a bit of a birthday celebration last night... a little pizza, a few drinks, a bunch of people, some 80s music in a 'too cool to be playing this shit' 80s bar.... a woman with collagen lips who was dating a drummer... a key perched at the end of a bar who looked like a Botox'd Norm from cheers and turned out to have had Botox only a week earlier

Walked the dog, read Billy (the Billy Connelly biography by his wife) and went to bed around 2. Still woke up at 7.30 though, which is both annoying and should allow me to be productive before my 'cleansing rain' massage.

It will be my first massage in over a year - the last thing someone with lymphoma wants is to have their lymphatic system drained into their bloodstream. But now, post scan and completely clear I can finally shift uncomfortably beneath a blanket in a just too cold room full of whale music and bleached pine.


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