Thursday, September 14, 2006

Everyone's expecting

Almost everyone I know is expecting a baby. I have no idea where that phrase comes from by the way. But everywhere I look and everyone I know seems to swelling at an alarming rate. This I find very weird. You see I thought that my friends, colleagues, neighbors etc. had all passed on babies. Most are in their 30s. They live in rented apartments, spend too much on electronics and have impractical white furniture. yet suddenly they are with child.

Which kinda makes me wonder whether choosing the sofa over the sperm bank (they cost the same) was a good idea. It seemed like a good idea at the time - especially as the tumors had meant that extracting sperm was going to be a medical rather than pleasurable experience. But now I wonder (pauses for a pensive wonder)

People keep saying adoption but I worry that no child could live up to the bobble headed Asian piano protege fantasy I have about adoption. Think "Team America : World Police", Kim Jong Il puppet and a touch of the Bobby Crush (a low rent British Liberace prone to playing second on the bill to performing puppets in dire seaside towns) and you have it.

So no kids for us. But the sofa is nice. And the dog's a hand full at times - usually when Jude's mom is here and she (the dog) develops midnight 'stomach problems'

Time now to read a document on how to best turn positive intention into tangible action


Anonymous said...

well, if it's any consolation, there are others out there with the same predicament - me for one.


Burrellcreekkid said...

And there's no uterus in my relationship, so our balls aren't really very useful either.

Steve said...

oh - I'm sure you find a use for them ;-)