Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More f**king rubbish

Went to the tennis yesterday and was amazed at how many of the players seemed, from the right angle, to be missing a finger. Must be a 'cock your little finger just so' school of thought in the Russian filled tennis academies of Florida.

Day started wet, ended warm and saw a Billie Jean King tribute (Diana Ross - or a facsimilie of her made out of discarded hair and shiny plastic) 'sang', McEnroe mugged, Connors looked uncomfortable and Chris Every tried to look feminine but not anti-lesbian. Marvellous entertainment.

Wish we'd had night tickets for Agassi, but we did see the splendidly monikered 'Mardi Fish' - a right old sourpuss too.

Work chugs on. We closed the office today (we're moving down two flights) and will be out until Tuesday - hurrah and huzzah!

Escape plans continue to be formulated and dashed with 40s war movie regularity.

And my favorite watch - a Breil Ducati thing - all black rubber and red trim was stolen from my wrist. Or fell off. But that's hard to swallow - it was a year old, in perfect condition and a one piece strap. So I'm going with nicked. Had it on in the Starbuck's queue, didn't when I got off the subway home. Most upset.

anyway a bunch of theatre types coming over to watch a subtitled black and white belgian video installation piece about destruction and beauty. have to make myself scarse.

1 comment:

quokkaboy said...

i quite like your rubbish. keep it up old boy.
