Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Waiting for something to happen

I've realized that the longer you leave between blog posts the more momentous the event that will start you blogging again needs to be. Or so it seems. It took cancer to get this thing going after all.

But nothing momentous has happened in the last 6 weeks and so the blog has been allowed to slide, slowly and inexorably towards terminal halt... with only the urging of friends acting as the brushers before a curling stone to keep it going.

And now I'm back and writing what appears to be absolute nonsense.

Anyway the blog is back. I've been working hard to get the company here up and running, paying lots of taxes, doing a couple of projects, driving about, flying here and there and generally trying to piece together a plan that looks like working. I even took a break from taking pics to do it - so you can tell that I was serious.

Montreal is good - we're heading into Festival season and already (pre-Fringe) I've been to Strip Spelling Bees and to Cycle In showings of The Goonies (I'd not seen it)

Coming up I have Jakarta (the place), GaGa (the star), Cyndi Lauper (the ex-star), a breakdance battle, a friend's son doing stand-up, Pamela Anderson hosting stand-up, Tim Michin singing stand-up and a show by a phone sex worker... lovely stuff. Oh and three photo shoots - one of which involves setting fire to things

Should be good

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