Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Routine

We haven't quite managed to settle into a new routine here yet. With all of the running around that moving takes, the people that we've had visiting and my company finally starting to land some jobs and take me away for a day or two it's all felt as though we were making it up as we go along.

But today I find myself home alone and facing the task of setting a routine for myself going forward. Jude is away for the next couple of weeks - first in Whistler where she's vacationing with some friends and then in Chicago where she has a conference to go to. So as of this morning I'm home alone and wondering what life here really looks like.

Today's schedule is a nice one I think. The sun is already shining but yesterday's deathly still and stupefyingly humid 31c has been replaced by a light breeze and 26c. So I'm making the most of it. Here's the plan.

Up at 7.30, make some breakfast (or finish up the breakfast that my mom had delivered for Jude's birthday, yum) then take the dog for a walk before it gets too hot, come back shower and head for the gym for an hour or so. From the gym drive down to the beach in a bid to look less like The Programmer guy here and spend an hour or two reading the Michael Palin diaries. Head back around three and sort out some expenses and book-keeping before spending an hour on the book and a couple of hours on the business, and some time on the phone drumming up interest in the Burlesque Festival. Walk the dog along the canal (she'll be tired as the dog-walker will have run her earlier) to a favorite dinner spot, order a huge salad and sit by the water as I eat. Come home, a little TV, hit all of the internet bookmarks and bed.

That's what life looks like here. It's not scintillating but it is happy. :-) See. :-)